So I got home from work today, still badly needing to pack for MLA, since I'm leaving tomorrow morning and all and I hadn't done more than make a neat list of all the stuff I should pack but hadn't.
Naturally I decided to wash the dishes and clean the bathroom instead. Because someone is coming from Verizon tomorrow to install FiOS, and I do not want this person to know that we are pigs.
Although if he or she reads this blog, I guess the secret is out.
Anyway, distractions notwithstanding, the packing is now more or less done. Here is the thing that I would prize above rubies: a pair of shoes that is nice enough to wear at conferences and in the office and such, that is also comfortable enough to walk around outside in.
This has to exist. I have known people who claim to possess it. But shoes and my feet have an uneasy relationship at the best of times, and I have not found that shoe for my foot. If I ever do, I will buy 10 pairs and never wear anything else.
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