Monday, September 26, 2011


An advantage of being busy is that things that happen on a periodic basis and that you look forward to seem to happen more frequently.

For example, an issue of Knights of the Dinner Table magazine arrived today, and it seems like we just got one. Nice!

I hadn't even had time to get around to rereading the last issue a couple of times, and then sighing with boredom because there was nothing new, and tapping my fingers impatiently, and all that stuff I would do if I had a lot of time on my hands to spend waiting for issues of my gaming magazine to arrive.

Instead, they just pop up every so often. Approximately once a month, I suppose. Still, a pleasant surprise every time.

Of course, things that happen on a periodic basis that you don't particularly look forward to may also seem to happen more frequently. Rent is coming due? No fair, we just paid that.

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