Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mmm...Cloned Worm Genes

Can I resist a post from Genetics & Health with a title like Cloned Worm Gene Acts To Glue Bones? I cannot.

I am intrigued by the idea of using glue based on cloned worm genes to repair fractured bones. If it works (and note that this theoretical product has yet to be tested in living creatures, so it might turn out to be a total failure), that would be awesome. Fixing broken bones is good!

On the other hand, consider that people who had this treatment would effectively become part worm. You could have worm genes! Imagine the playground taunts!

As opposed to being taunted for being part construct, if you have your bones held together with plates and screws instead.

Can you live with that?

Yeah, me too. Theoretically.

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