Sunday, August 16, 2009

Highway as Food Source

Healthbolt has a post about a book called The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved: Inside America’s Underground Food Movements.

In addition to other things, no doubt, it seems that it talks about eating roadkill. Which I'm all for, I guess, as long as it's fresh. I mean, if you hit a deer and kill it, you might as well eat it, right?

If you eat meat, that is. Maybe even if you usually don't, depending on your reasons for vegetarianism: after all, wild animals that run in front of your car were at least not part of the factory farm system.

Once when I was a kid my mom hit a pheasant with a car, and we stopped and got it, and later ate it. It's dead, it's perfectly fresh, why should it go to waste?

The only other time I recall being in a vehicle that killed an animal, it was a cow, which would have been legally someone's property, so I don't know what happened to it.

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