A doula is not necessarily trained as a nurse or a midwife, and does not serve the same purpose while attending labor and birth, so it makes sense to have a specific term for this role, if there's enough literature on the topic. I get 114 results for a keyword search, so there's not a huge body of incompletely defined work out there, but it could also be an idea that's still gaining strength and will be of more interest to researchers as time goes on.
The concept is at least a called by a straightforward and easily searchable keyword, unlike some other ideas one might try to find, but as good MeSH-users, we always like to take advantage of a controlled vocabulary when one is available.
Do it, MeSH! Bring us doula!
You too can suggest this or other terms, using this handy form. I assure you, it's a thrill. I feel all engaged in the process now.
Update 8/13/09: I am informed from NLM that "More suggestions doesn't affect what is done," so if you're going to use the form, pick an exciting new term to suggest rather than this one.
Apparently there is not strength in numbers in this particular issue. Now we know! One idea could be all it takes!
Thanks for sharing this. I'm dying to see the response you received; I didn't get one! I also kind of have mixed feelings about what sounds like a "lots of ppl telling us this is needed doesn't change anything" response.
I admit I didn't read their policy for submissions, so this might be covered somewhere.
If I come up with any bright ideas for terms in future, I'll look it up. :)
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