Friday, August 14, 2009

I've Missed You, Wimba

Went back to school this evening, to address the latest Distance Ed class at University of Alabama SLIS. The old Wimba classroom looked just the same, except the window seemed so much smaller than I remembered! [Nostalgic sigh.]

Although this was possibly because I had shrunk it up into a corner of the desktop in order to be able to cast an eye on my notes in case I forgot something I meant to mention.

You will be proud to know that I refrained from shrieking "Run! Run while you still can!" despite how obviously hilarious that would have been.

It made me fondly remember my own days in class, all of a year and half ago. [Nostalgic sigh.]

On the other hand, I am also thankful that I don't have homework at the moment. Workwork is keeping me busy enough right now. I like to imagine I'll take more classes in something one of these days, but not just this minute.

Maybe Tuesday, when I have an online class in MARC scheduled ('cause if I'm cataloging, I might as well have a refresher).

1 comment:

erinserb said...

hey, great to hear that you were to make the newbies feel comfortable - I still can't believe it has been over a year since school - I've been thinking about taking a cataloging class; getting closer to a job soon hopefully! Hey when u get "free time", are u gonna brush off that Russian?? :-)