Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ewwww of the Day

I didn't see the BBC series Planet Earth when it first came out, but have been watching on DVD. 

I was just watching the episode about jungles, which reminded me of the Cordyceps fungus. Which, ewww!

I had heard of it before, but blanked it from my memory due to ickiness. (Or having other things to think about.)

It has a very nice strategy, in which its spores settle on an ant or beetle (different types infect different insects) and get into the body. Then they send out filaments, feed on the soft tissues of the body (mmm, delicious ant tissues), get into the brain, and cause the insect to climb upwards towards the tops of plants.

Eventually, the fungus sprouts out of the ant's head, matures, and releases spores to float downward and settle on other ants below. Seriously, ewww. I am fond of mushrooms, especially on pizza, but this is a little much.

I can't deny that it is also fascinating. Nature is full of the simultaneously gross and cool.

I just hope these fungi don't develop the ability to infect humans. It would be practically as bad as a zombie attack. 

My brain! My precious brain!

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