Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Birth Control and Baby Toys

RH Reality Check has news about the progress of the much-hinted, elusive "pill for men." Apparently something along these lines--though it's actually a shot, not a pill--is currently in tests in Australia.

I personally prefer a pill to a shot, but I guess shots have the convenience of not having to be remembered every day. Either way, more options for birth control are good. 

On a completely unrelated matter, my sister alerted me to the TOADY (Toys Oppressive And Destructive to Young Children) awards, now soliciting votes.

It's a project of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood to recognize the most obnoxious toy out there. Nominated are Baby Alive Learns to Potty (ew?), the Lego Batman Video Game, Power Wheels Cadillac Escalade, Smart Cycle (a stationary tricyle), and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Barbie.

I myself reserve most of my toy hatred for garish things that make horrible noises, but I won't argue that these five candidates aren't also worthy of scorn.

Go vote for your least favorite!

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