Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Institutionally Reposing Milk Products

I must stress I personally have nothing whatsoever to do with the institutional repository project, but I had to feel a little hometown pride (or whatever) that Boston University was semi-favorably mentioned by the fierce and awesome Dorothea Salo at Caveat Lector.

Woo hoo! BU rocks!

OK, I'll subside. As I said, it's nothing to do with me, so I can take no credit (or blame, if it turns out to fail horribly). But it's cool that a noted expert and thinker in this particular field thinks the project has an interesting and possibly workable take on the issue.

In other news, I've said this before, but seem not to have heeded myself, so here it is again: 

Please scald your milk when making yogurt. I don't know why, and sometimes it seems like a waste of time to heat-heat-heat it when you're just going to have to cool it down to the point that the little cultures can survive, but I swear overheating and then cooling makes for thicker, creamier results than just heating to lukewarm to start with.

Maybe the heat breaks down the proteins and makes them easier to culture or something? I dunno, I'm making stuff up here. But go with it.

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