Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Well, Drat

As noted by Well, taking a daily multivitamin does not appear to have any protective effect versus cancer or heart disease. (I was hoping for at least a +1 on my saving throw.)

I guess we have to actually eat vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, then?

So much for my plan to live on chocolate, red wine and vitamin supplements. 

Update: Respectful Insolence is all over this with a careful review of the study referenced. 

What I want to know is, how does this relate to the oft-repeated advice that all women of child-bearing age should be getting supplemental folic acid? Being well-trained, I have been faithfully taking a multi for years, carefully checking the bottle every time I buy to make sure it's got B9. 

From what I see, this study did not address that question, being more interested in cancer and heart disease (both very interesting topics), so I s'pose we should still be taking our folic-acid-containing pills.

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