Monday, April 12, 2010

Monster Updates

I had another successful blood drive appointment this evening.

I'm feeling all depleted of blood, but overflowing with civic spirit. I think this gives me latitude to kick some puppies. I like to try to live True Neutral, you know.

Oh, I'm kidding. I only kick evil robot puppies. They've just* become the latest monsters to haunt my nightmares. Way more horrifying than zombies. They lure you with their adorable faces, and then attack!

Evil robot puppies aside, I'm feelin' fine. Plus, I got cookies! And a coupon for a free sandwich from Qdoba! Blood drives: pure awesome.

*As in, seconds ago when I typed that sentence and the idea first entered my head and took over.


1 comment:

erinserb said...

Geee, I never got any coupon for a free sandwich when I gave blood - they must have just started that - and Qdoba, I like their food