Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Further Bulletins from Taxville

Well, the IRS is too darn fast. We just received a check for the refund we were apparently owed, even though I can't figure out why we should get it.

Also, the number they give you to call is just an automated system, so I can't ask any questions about it.

"Shut up and take the money!" the IRS is as good as saying.

So I'll tell you what I'm going to do: shut up and take the money.

I'm going to be mildly irritated if they want it back later with interest, on account of I never claimed to deserve it, but heck, these questions keep life interesting. (Maybe this is a new revenue-generating scheme. Unrequested interest-bearing loans! Seriously, the banks would be all over that if they could. Come to think of it, I guess that's kind of what they were onto with the "we'll encourage you to overdraw your account and charge you high fees for the convenience when you do" idea.)

Also, when I contemplate the odds on whether me or the IRS has better math skills on staff, I kind of have to think maybe they're just right.

But I was doing it online! The internet does math, right?



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