Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good News, Everyone!

MedlinePlus has friendly reassurance for those of us who are getting older: we really do have a chance of becoming wiser as well. A study confirms it!

A new study finds that seniors are better equipped than younger folks to solve social conflicts. Seniors could more easily see multiple points of view, were more interested in searching for compromise and were more willing to acknowledge that there might be things about a difficult situation that they didn't know.

Of course, this assumes that compromising and admitting you don't know things about a situation is a good thing, rather than a sign of weakness that shall be immediately crushed by my unyieldingly correct assessment of any circumstances that arise.

Social conflicts? I know I don't hold with 'em. So shut up and agree with me, and there won't be any.

And everyone's happy! Well, mostly me.


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