Friday, June 5, 2009

What Fresh Horror--No, Classic Horror--Is This?

I've enjoyed a little series of entertaining posts at Dangerous Intersection, listed here blog-style from most recent to earliest:
Each presents a sad, sometimes horrific tale of abuse, arrogance, misguided determination, and other human failings. Go read before I continue if you don't want to be spoiled.

[Pause in case anyone wishes to do so.]

All right, the not-so-shocking twist here is that each of these posts presents, as if it were a news item from contemporary sources, and with modern names and places, a biblical story.

It's very interesting to see these familiar (to many people who grew up more or less in the common popular culture in the United States, I should say) stories presented as if they referred to human beings.

Now the whole point of a god is that it is not a human being, and thus may easily be conceived to do things that seem hideously wrong from our point of view, but that nevertheless serve a higher purpose that still equals 'good,' so I can understand that one could argue this means nothing.

Nevertheless, an interesting mental exercise.

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