To be honest I can't really be sure if that's due to the allergies, but I blame them for everything wrong with my health right now.
Croaking and snuffly? Allergies.
That stiff ankle? Allergies.
Arm still a little sore from a tetanus shot? Allergies. Made it worse, I mean.
Anyway, that aside, in more "News of How Awesomely Gross Life Is" I like this post on Genetics and Health about a study looking at how many different species of bacteria live on human skin, and how some areas of the body are more hospitible to colonization than others.
Think of your body as a whole, rich continent, teeming with life and divided into multiple climatic zones where different forms may flourish!
Think of it, and cringe. And then feel bountiful and rich with life, a magnificent, nurturing land--a positive spin will make you feel better.
Note, of course, that bacteria are not necessarily bad. We live in harmony with all sorts of beneficial gut organisms. Other types may simply be neutral.
Then there are the actual nasty ones (like MRSA, which apparently prefers "the moist, soft tissues of the inner nostrils." I'm off to take a hair dryer to my inner nostrils!)
So it's really like anything else, some things good, some bad, some indifferent, and the important thing is not to over-react and, say, start taking hair dryers to anything. (I don't really even own a hair dryer, so no fear there. I may start snorting alcohol-based hand sanitizer, but that's it.)
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