Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Fat Books and Tiny Thin Wallets

Some tips on avoiding the hefty fees of college textbooks, from Erika Price at Dangerous Intersection.

I am gratified to see that Your Library (and interlibrary loan) plays a prominent role.

Yes! Love your library! We're trying hard to make sure the books you have to read are here!

I checked out, rather than purchased, a few books when I was in college, although if enough other people have the same idea, copies can run low. I can heartily sympathize with the financial pain caused by having to buy expensive textbooks as a necessarily frugal undergrad, though.

Even though shiny new books were cool and exciting, and I hated reading through other peoples' notes and highlighting, saving a few bucks was key, and finding a used version, or borrowing one from someone who'd already taken the class, was the way to go.

Alas, I did not have blog posts to advise me back then, since I don't think the internet had been invented yet. Even our computers were just abacuses to which typewriter keyboards had been attached for some reason.

It hardly mattered, since if there had been an internet, I was too busy walking 10 miles to class uphill both ways through 12 feet of snow in my bare feet because I didn't have a nickel for the streetcar to know about it.

Did I mention my 90-year* college reunion is this weekend? Time flies when you're gettin' with the 21st century.

*OK, it's actually 10. I stand by my remark about the flightiness of time.

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