Summer is here. (In the northern hemisphere.)
I can tell, because I'm hot and sticky. Also, that day we just had in the northern hemisphere sure was long, right?
See, I have this idea that for the winter solstice I should light a lot of torches and feast and set things on fire and stay up all night to cheer for the return of the sun after the long darkness. You know, good old fashioned fun.
But what should I do for the summer solstice? Fan myself and have a cool martini? Celebrate shade trees?
It always feels as if there's more need to celebrate in the winter. You need something to perk up your spirits.
In the summer, you're already warm and comfortable, it's light out late, there's not the same urgency to find something to be cheerful about. Plus, if you're me, you don't have the energy to jump up and party anyway. It's too hot to move around unnecessarily.
Can we celebrate languidly, while reclining? I say yes.
ahhhh, yes, Midsommar as the Swedish say. I've watched some of their movies which portray all types of wild, racy activity - especially when you party hearty into the middle of the "day", cause there is no night. Maybe Absolut vodka helps with their spirits :-)
Yes, yes, that's what I should be doing!
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