Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bring on the Towers!

MedlinePlus, via Twitter, reports that "Experts say living near a cell phone tower while pregnant doesn’t appear to raise your child’s cancer risk."

This is reassuring news if we were worried about radio frequency fields.

Strictly speaking, it's reassuring if we were worried about our children's exposure to radio frequency fields. It doesn't say anything about adults, other than that "health effects can take time to appear, and studies of cancers in adults might be more revealing."

However, based on this information I am going to continue not devoting significant portions of my attention to concerns about cell phone towers, which leaves plenty of mental energy available for more important things like Medical Subject Headings and killer robots.


1 comment:

brian said...

would u be thinking about cell phone towers if there was a phone outage,hmmmm?? :-)