I want studies on whether or not it's unhealthy to spend all day shivering in an overly chilly air conditioned office and then walk out into what, by comparison, feels like a tropical steam bath.
I swear it can't be good for you, but I lack the research to back me up and give me the evidence I need to forcefully argue in favor of moderation in the climate control. Naturally I went to PubMed, but in my cold/heat-addled state I couldn't formulate an effective search strategy, so I was no good there.
In fairness, I'm sure it's very difficult to maintain any kind of constant temperature over 14 floors in a drafty 50-year-old building. They would probably do it if they could, just to stop people like me from whining. But fairness is no fun, is it?
Not nearly as much as whining, anyway.
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