Saturday, March 27, 2010


So...Earth Hour tonight, is it? Everyone turning off lights from 8:30 to 9:30?

I'm skeptical about the practical impact of this, especially if we don't turn off all the other power-consuming devices in the house (refrigerator, microwave, alarm clock, TV, computer), but I suppose it's a symbol.

I like a good symbol as much as the next person. More than that symbol-hating dude over there!

Entertainingly, I was reminded of tonight's symbolic action when I got onto the internet to read about street lights. So sure, I'll sit quietly in the dark for an hour and think about large cities without street lights. It'll be fun.

I make no promises about turning off the computer, though.


1 comment:

erinserb said...

well could you imagine Paris 'the city of Light' without hmmmmm. light even for one hour! ;-)