Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Count Me In

If you live in the United States, you've probably recently received a friendly reminder notice about the U.S. Census. I was going to roll my eyes and sigh at the prospect of more yet paperwork (a far less alarming but still annoying after-effect of a car accident is lots and lots of insurance paperwork), but then I realized I actually love the census.

Because you know what it is: Data! Lots and lots of data!

Carefully gathered, interpreted and stored for the future! Information! Preserved and cherished and made valuable!

It's everything I hold dear!

OK, not everything, since it doesn't involve wine or chocolate or free pens, but it's a lot of things I hold dear.

I can't wait to participate.

My enthusiasm is increased by the fact that I got this nifty little bag from the Census booth at ALA Midwinter. It's a nice size to carry stray things around in if you don't have big pockets on, and is currently replacing my penguin bag, which I got from the American Physiological Society booth at MLA 2008.

That penguin bag was my favorite, but it was unfortunately still in the car when said car caught fire following the aforementioned automotive accident, and was reduced to cinders.

I hope they have them at MLA 2010! I totally want another one.


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