Friday, August 22, 2008

Taking Overdue Books Seriously

It apparently does not do to disregard your library fines in Grafton, WI

A woman was arrested after disregarding the library's communications. That sounds a little extreme, but on the other hand, she also ignored a notice to appear in court. 

At that point, I imagine you're being arrested not so much for the original offense, as for failing to obey the legal summons. 

And while I'm not necessarily all about arresting people for failing to pay their overdue fines (although I am all about returning your books on time, and if you don't, just suck it up and pay the fine already), but we can't really go around encouraging people to cavalierly dismiss the requests of the justice system, right? 

If people can just do that without repercussion, the whole thing falls apart! Anarchy and zombies are the only logical result!

So I guess the take-away lesson is, pay your library fines on time, but especially, don't mess with the courts.

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