Thursday, August 28, 2008

Other Peoples' Vacations

Despite supposedly being on vacation, Maggie Maher at Health Beat has a fabulous monster of a post about a Census Bureau report on "Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2007."

She discusses details of the report's findings, historical context, implications for health policy, etc. I can't begin to do it justice. You must check it out!

In other news, so far I feel about being a librarian a lot like I felt when I'd just started library school. I'm tired, but it's great!

There's a lot to learn, lots of things to piece together. Some stupidly basic things I already learned way back when, like (hypothetically) that monographs typically have call numbers but serials do not. (Ahem.)

Some things specific to this library, like where, if people get paged, they can find a telephone (right over there!).

Some things specific to this library but certainly transferable, like what resources go well with which subject guides. Subject guides are way cool.

So yeah, I'm librarian-ing it up and life is good.

Now I suppose tomorrow will be the day everything starts to go downhill and I become filled with bitterness and unfocused rage. Watch this space for further updates!

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