Friday, August 29, 2008

A Non-Problem I Didn't Have

I was not familiar with diverticulosis, nor with the fact that long-standing treatment advice discouraged the eating of nuts by those who had it, but as one who is very fond of nutty goodness, the idea of such a thing sent a chill through my blood as soon as I heard of its existence.

However, it turns out that this forbidden-nut problem I don't have is not a problem even for people who do have the condition, since the NutritionData blog reports that a recent other report (not linked, but I suspect its abstract is here in JAMA) suggests that nuts are in no way to blame for "diverticular bleeding or uncomplicated diverticulosis."

Whew. How are those long sentences working out for you? 

Apparently diverticulosis is quite common, involving small pouches that form in the lining of the intestine, and the traditional thinking has been that nuts and seeds might get stuck in the pouches and aggravate the condition.

To which I say, "ew." But since that worry appears to be unfounded, I will feel free to eat nuts and seeds with my usual abandon. Especially those chocolate-covered sunflower seeds. 

[Formerly semi-articulate post deteriorates into drooling.]

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