Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Keeping in Touch

I got a friendly note yesterday from the Alumni Association at my alma mater (hi, Alabama!), asking for information on what I'm doing, how the family is faring, what the harvest looks like (hair), whether my hereditary weeping boils have subsided, and so forth. 

I would return the lovely postage-paid card with spaces for filling in my name, address, home phone, place of employment and work phone, but...well, it's just a postcard. All that information is just there, totally exposed in the mail for anyone to see! 

Not that anyone cares, but with all the identity theft worries these days, is it really a good idea to send that kind of information through open mail?

I admit this may be an unreasonable apprehension. After all, my home phone is listed in the phone book (I think---I haven't looked at a phone book in years, so I'm just guessing), my work phone will be on the internet once that website is updated, and I put my home address on the outside of every piece of mail I send anyway, usually in the form of one of those little return address labels that various  organizations send out in the vain hope that people will give them money. (I suppose some kind people must actually give them money.)

Am I getting weirdly paranoid about harmless low-tech identity-distribution, while blithely strewing personal information to the trillion-plus corners of the internet, and, therefore, spending my worry-points in exactly the wrong place?

It is entirely possible.

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