Saturday, August 16, 2008

Exciting Personal Health Issue of the Day

Or yesterday, actually.

Yesterday was Friday, and I was hurrying from work to the train station feeling pretty good on account of it was the weekend and I just finished my first week as a real live librarian, and I think things are going well so far, and it wasn't quite pouring rain the way it has been every other time you look up lately.

Also, a friend we hadn't seen in a while was in town and we were going to meet him and catch up, and that was something fun to look forward to. 

So I was feeling fine, it's Super Happy Fun Friday, and I was very focused on getting to that train station as quickly as possible so I could get downtown and the festivities could commence, and I wanted to be on the other side of the street. 

Since there were a bunch of cars waiting at a red light, I just crossed in front of them even though there wasn't a WALK sign, 'cause hey, they're stopped, they're at a red light. Except I think there was also a green arrow for a turning lane, so I actually scurried right in front of an oncoming car.

I was more bumped than hit by the car, not to sound too dramatic. Also, in retrospect it was a pretty small car. Nevertheless, I don't recommend it.

My focus in an accident shrinks to pretty much just the immediate, so I only remember impressions of "on hood---OK---coming off hood---not good if car keeps going over me---car stopped---good---better pick up my stuff!"

Jumping up and picking up my stuff was for some reason the top priority, so I could get out of the street without leaving anything behind, you know. But considering that I was able to do so, this was a pretty good outcome.

It was totally my fault for dashing into the street without really looking, like an idiot. Ironically, I had recently read this article in the Boston Globe Magazine about how "Boston drivers are bad, but Boston pedestrians might be worse." The piece notes that twice as many pedestrians as drivers/passengers of cars were killed in Boston over the last five years; 14 just last year.

When I read the article (which is quite interesting, if anyone's in the mood for some information on traffic planning) I thought, well, I jaywalk and stuff, everyone does, but I'm not completely reckless about it like some people! 

I spoke too soon.

But I'm fine, other than being embarrassed by the fact that I'm a reckless idiot pedestrian. I got up and walked away, hung out with my friend last night and had a good time, and today have just a couple of scrapes and bruises. I didn't even lose or break any of my stuff.

I expect the car wasn't going very fast, and the impact was probably about what it would have been if, say, a large human had charged me and knocked me down. While wearing full plate mail. (Which happens more often than you'd think. I lead an eventful life.)

On the one hand, it kind of sucked---my Super Happy Fun Friday, and then I get hit by a car! That's terrible!

On the other hand, I got hit by a car and was fine---I'm the luckiest person around! That day was great!

In closing, I'm going to try to be less of a reckless idiot pedestrian in future (thinking back, I could probably have stood to arrive a few seconds later at the train station). I'm really lucky to have gotten out of a collision with a car without any real damage, and I know it could have been bad. 

I also apologize to the person who hit me: it was my fault, and I'm sorry to have messed up her evening by making her deal with the stress of hitting someone with her car, which pretty much no one wants to do. I bet that sucks too. 

For those following along at home: if you must dart into traffic, at least look around.


Andrea said...

1.) OMG! Are you seriously ok?

2.) John wants to know if you checked your internal organs to make sure they're ok, too.

3.) Yay for real librarians jobs! I'm glad you had a good first week. :)

A'Llyn said...

1.) I feel totally fine now! My minor bruises and scratches are healing without incident. I am Super Happy Fun Lucky Person.

2.) My stomach, speaking for the rest of my internal organs, has continued to indicate that it would like sustenance, mainly of the ice cream variety. I take this as a sign that all is well.

3.) Second the yay! and add a woohoo! Things are continuing to go well.