Thursday, August 21, 2008

Second Degree Auto-Vampirism

In case anyone ever wonders how responsible and upstanding and all-around ordinary and un-alarming a citizen I am, I would like to present this post as evidence to which generations yet to come may point in horror.

Tonight, I feasted hungrily on MY OWN BLOOD.

It had been transformed, through some strange alchemy, into chocolate-covered strawberries. So I'm also a sorcerer. Warn the children! By which I mean the medical students!

Actually I had chocolate-covered strawberries for supper. That's not horrifying (though nutritionists would perhaps advise against making a habit of it), but I got the coupon for the strawberries when I went to donate blood, so in a sense---not an accurate sense, but a sensationalistic sense, and sensationalism sells---I was consuming, as noted, MY OWN BLOOD.

Later I had some vegetables and chick peas, but it's all about having dessert first around here (another shameless affront to normal decent folk everywhere). And you know what makes the best dessert.

That's right: MY OWN BLOOD. 

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