Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Entertainment News

I'm pleased to hear that Fox has renewed Dollhouse. I really wasn't too impressed with it at first, but it got pretty interesting as it developed, and I look forward to seeing where it goes with another season.

I've also enjoyed the detailed and thoughtful reviews of each episode by Maia at Alas! A Blog. Lots of good points.

And I swear, the plot is getting closer and closer to Altered Carbon territory, as I previously speculated.


Andrea said...

Do you ever read Polite Dissent? It's a blog by a doctor that does medical reviews of comics, House, and Fringe. I suppose the TV show blog made me think of it, and I thought you might like it.

A'Llyn said...

I think I've read it once or twice, not sure why not more often--but it sounds interesting! I'll put it on my feed reader for regular consumption.