The post is skeptical about the ability of hawking to keep us entertained for an entire month, but I bet we can do it. If it comes down to it, we can start dressing up the hawks in cool costumes (wild animals love that!) and holding cooking competitions with the game they retrieve.
Also, never underestimate the entertainment value of training our hawks to stoop to our enemies' hats.
Of course, first we have to get some enemies. I'm working on it.
In a related matter, I suppose that's why we say "I won't stoop to" do thus-and-such. The etymology in my mind prior to this moment involved stooping as in bending the back ("I won't stoop/bend so low") but it's easy to see the connection to stooping as in diving from above.
So "I won't stoop to that" means not only "I won't lower myself that way," but also "I can't be bothered to attack that." It is beneath me, and I'm not going down there after it!
Words are cool.
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