Monday, May 11, 2009

Gaming On

I have played Ginger Dawn. It's entertaining, if not complex.

You pick a red haired character (male or female), and run around looking for people to procreate with. Other gingers are the best bet, but some blond or dark haired people carry the recessive gene, so you can't rule anyone out.

Each level assigns a certain number of ginger babies you must produce in order to succeed. But there's a hitch: since we redheads sunburn easily, you have to make the babies quickly and get back to your house before noon or you'll be burnt to a crisp (literally: you turn to charcoal and your eyeballs fall out).

Fortunately, babies are quick and painless to produce and require no follow-up care. Just like real life!

You can pick up sunblock to extend your time in the sun, and bagpipes to make yourself more attractive to members of the opposite sex (because Scotland has the highest percentage of redheads).

On general gameplay I'd rate this an amusing trifle, but no more. However, based on its theme, I have to consider that it is in fact the most awesome game ever designed.

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