Monday, May 18, 2009

Nifty Poster Goodness

I'm pleased to have the MLA2009 Official Blog to keep me posted on events at the conference. As anticipated, it fills me me sorrow and bitterness that I'm not there, but it's nevertheless good to be informed.

Among other things, the blog has alerted me to the fact that the posters from the poster session are available online in an interactive display. It's pretty cool.

You can see thumbnails of all the posters, hover to see titles, click to enlarge an individual poster (in effect--technically, you're going to that poster's separate page), zoom in on various segments, and even leave comments. It does require a download of Adobe Flash Player 10 and a restart, but that didn't take long.

It's been set up using a program called Trapeze Media Solutions that seems to be designed for photo slideshows, but works very well for this. You can even embed it into your page, where you can navigate with the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Nicely done, whoever set this up! And if I can stop oohing over the technology, the posters are pretty good too. :)

I encourage everyone to take a look.

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