Saturday, April 11, 2009

Science Fiction-Inspired Musing

A question for anyone in my legions of devoted followers who both watches Dollhouse and has read Altered Carbon and/or its sequels:

With the most recent episode's presentation of a sort of backup drive with "the unabridged [character's name]," aren't we inching towards sleeving in the Dollhouse world?

The show is putting more emphasis on a lingering 'self-ness' being inextricably tied to an original physical body, but really, there's theoretically no reason you couldn't imprint the 'unabridged whomever' into any body you wanted.

And while the Actives' working imprints, as far as we've seen, are composites of different skills and traits rather than transferring the full consciousness of a individual, The Hendrix in Altered Carbon was essentially a recreation of a personality based on historical records rather than stored memory.

Plus, it's easy to see that backup drive being re-formatted into a cortical stack. Could something like this be the mysterious Purpose behind the Dollhouses?

Just sayin.' 

From time to time, one unavoidably geeks out over the stories that enliven one's life. 


Andrea said...

I haven't read Altered Carbon, but it sounds like something to check out. We've been occasionally watching Dollhouse and found it to be hit and miss, but the technology is definitely interesting, and it seems next week that they'll be putting a dead lady's consciousness into Echo's body, so it will be an evolving idea.

A'Llyn said...

Body-swapping sci fi noir mystery--worth a read.

There are so many things I have on my 'need to read' list right now, though, I can't really tell anyone else anything. :)