Friday, April 24, 2009

Driving Around

It was super gorgeous out today. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, the trees were budding, the flowers were blooming.

I celebrated with a trip to the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Obvious, right?

My driver's license expired last week. Happily for those of us who like to accomplish things on the internet, you can renew online, but only every other time the license expires. I renewed online last time, so there was nothing for it but to go to the Registry in person.

Naturally the branch that was three blocks down the street from us closed a few months ago (and I could have sworn I had another year on this license, or I would have planned ahead and gone there), so I had to go to Revere, a few towns over.

Remember how a couple of days ago I mentioned that I can get lost anywhere? Yeah, well, I studied the map, and wrote myself careful directions, and I actually made it to the RMV all right.

But on the way back, somehow, even though all I had to do was retrace a fairly straightforward route I'd traveled an hour earlier, I took some wrong turn or other and wound up in Chelsea. Obvious, right?

Anyway, I am once more a legal driver. I've had a decent run of luck with ID photos in the past, but this time I have a really classically dreadful one, where I'm kind of pursing my lip and looking shiftily sideways, as if I'm not amused, but am faintly guilty about something.

Since this pretty much sums up my general mien most days, I can't deny that this is a good image to represent me for the next ten years (assuming I renew online next time it expires, in order to avoid getting lost in Chelsea again).

I may scan it and use it as my ID photo for this blog.

On a health-related note, I could barely read the top line in the eye test, so I guess I need a new prescription. At least sometime in the next ten years before I have to take that test again.

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