Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Social Networking Not Working?

Flee the madding virtual crowds and retire to some offline amusement! Horseshoes, or jousting, or whatever people who aren't online do for fun.

It can be done: PC Magazine tells you how. 

Included in this fine article are instructions on how to close out your account with 23 web-based life-enhancers, including Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Google and plenty more. iLibrarian, from whom I received this tip, has the full list if you want to make a quick check to see if yours is on there.

I think this is great information to have. These services can be useful and fun, but if they aren't, or if they were but have ceased to be, it's important to be able to get out without leaving bits of outdated information floating around. 

You know what they say about controlling your profiles and the information about you online! (Pst: they say it's a good idea.)

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