Thursday, March 26, 2009

Perils of Distractedness

Know what I've just realized I hate?

I hate when I neglect to check my SLIS email account for, oh, about two and half months, because looking at Outlook is weird and poky and difficult on a Mac, and then I finally do check it and there's something I really wanted to have received and responded to, oh, about a month ago.


Serves me right for not being on top of my email accounts (or, I know, setting them to forward somewhere so I can check them all at once, but I kind of like having separate addresses for different things, if only I'd remember to look at them all).

Let that be a lesson to all my adoring followers: check your accounts on a regular basis whether you use them much or not!

This goes for social networking sites as well. I should really look at LinkedIn a little more often. Also, I suppose, ye olde Friendster. Second Life. Goodreads. And so on.

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