Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Holding the Wine Line

The ND Blog (from NutritionData, to which I turn for all my nutrient-identifying needs), presents "More on alcohol," including a lovely little graphic showing how much one should drink in a day or week to remain at low-risk of negative health effects.

This turns out to be three or four drinks per day, depending on one's biological (I assume) sex, or 7 to 14 drinks per week, likewise.

The graphic is courtesy of the National Institutes of Health's new program, Rethinking Drinking. This NIH site has all kinds of useful stuff: information on how much counts as a 'drink' (not half a bottle, alas), tips for cutting down on drinking, calculators to see how much alcohol is in a beverage, tools for self-evaluation, and more. 

I do not have a drinking problem myself (I declare grandly, while upending a bottle to catch those last precious drops), but this definitely looks like something that needs to be linked on our 'web resources' pages at work. 

I'm on it!

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