Many people are familiar with the women's health classic Our Bodies, Ourselves.
There's a new edition every so often, as a health book will tend to have in order to remain relevant, and for the upcoming 40th anniversary edition there was a call (on Our Bodies, Our Blog, which I have always thought is just a fantastic name for a blog) asking people to submit photos for the cover.
So I did, 'cause why not, and in fact it turns out I will be included on the cover of the next edition. I have not seen it, but from my vague understanding there's going to be a sort of tiled design with lots of small photos of lots of different women. And one of them will be me!
That's pretty much what I'm doing this year to maintain my notoriety.
Quick, hurry out (to your local bookstore, or to your computer, which you foolishly left in the yard) and pre-order your copy today so you can see what I look like on a book cover!
Tiny and awesome, is my guess.
Hooray! I ended up participating in one of their focus groups, so we'll both be a part of the next edition :). Kick-ass feminist librarians FTW!
Nice! Can't wait to see and read it. :)
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