Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In Other Pressing News--

I am deeply concerned about this peanut butter issue. Sure, at the moment it's just products made with peanut butter, but I fear for the safety of the peanut butter itself.

Peanut butter is one of the several food groups for me. I depend on peanut butter! 

Also today, I enjoyed a high-tech (though rather low-quality) viewing of the inauguration via streaming video from various sites. I particularly appreciated CNN's link with Facebook, which allowed viewers of the video feed to also post Facebook status updates that showed up alongside the image. 

It was like a little online party, with back and forth comments about what people were seeing. Or not seeing. The video feed, clearly overloaded, was patchy at best for me, so I missed most of the actual swearing in.

Still, it was a fun way to do it, sharing the event with friends. Maybe next big event, livestreaming TV will have come into its own and we'll do this again. 

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