Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am wildly excited by the news that My NCBI, which allows us to do more handy dandy stuff in PubMed than we can shake sticks at, is going to be updated on Thursday.

I can hardly wait to see the new version! I hope it includes a way to collect points that can be redeemed for free abstracts or something. (Just trying to think outside the box here.)

Meanwhile, this fab tutorial I did in the spring will be immediately out of date (I think it's actually somewhat out of date already), so I'm posting it while it still has a fragment of relevance. Quick, everyone! Learn to use this version right away, while you still can! Then forget it.

I'm hoping it doesn't change too much, or that student I showed how to use it yesterday will come back on Friday, sign in, and think, "that librarian is such a liar! This doesn't work anything like she said it would!"

That's NCBI: always keeping us on our toes.

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