Thursday, September 11, 2008

Elusive New PubMed Features

I think I saw the new resources on the results summary page that were announced on PubMed New and Noteworthy the other day!

Also Try and Recent Activity were visible on my results screen this afternoon (possibly More PubMed Articles as well, I'm not sure if they automatically come as a set and I wasn't paying close attention), and I absent-mindedly thought "huh, that's different," but since I was busy practicing a demo search, I didn't explore them in more detail. 

The excitement of being one of a "small percentage of users" who get to observe these additions first hand before a possible general rollout! [Blissful sigh.]

I should have taken a screenshot to remember them by. 

Maybe they'll be back tomorrow. Yes: another reason to go to work! I love this job.

From what I recall, the new features fit in nicely on the right side of the screen where there tends to be a lot of white space. I thought the 'recent activity' list was kind of interesting as a way to keep track of what you've been up to, and 'also try' was something I might have looked at if I'd really been seeking information and not just practicing to show other people how to seek information. 

As I say, I was distracted and didn't really pause to check anything out in detail. 

This has been your PubMed Geek Love report for the day.

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