Sunday, October 19, 2008

Soooo Behind the Times

The new Wired issue has an article (not presently online) called "Kill Your Blog."

The author declares that blogging is so 2004, and no one is doing cool stuff there anymore. Blogs are corporate now! The sharp, witty people are all on Twitter, or Flickr, or Facebook. 

Sigh. Just like me, not being up on the latest trends.  

True, I am sometimes on Facebook, but I've never done much with Flickr, and despite all the Twitter-news I hear, have still not actually signed up or anything. I suppose I should do so. 

On account of the fact that I'm constantly striving to keep up with the latest thing, lest my cool factor diminish.

Updated to note: 
I signed up for Twitter, OK? Am I cool now, huh huh, am I?

Yes? Whew!

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