Sunday, January 3, 2010

TechNews of the Decade

This post from Forbes, linked on Stephen's Lighthouse, has some interesting comparisons of technology use over the past ten years.

For all the discussion of the death of email among the youth of today (and I myself know young people who really don't use it much), there were still 247 billion emails sent in 2009, compared to 12 billion in 2000. No word on how many of those were spam. My guess: about 200 billion last year.

I was also interested to see the figure for the amount of hard drive space you could buy for $300: 20-30 gigabytes in 2000, and 2,000 gigabytes last year.

Speaking of hard drive space, I must pause to exalt the glory of inexpensive, tiny little memory sticks. Truly a wondrous innovation. Love 'em.

Also note the estimated 300 million daily Google searches in 2009, compared to 10 million in 2001.

So basically what we learn here is that use of computer and internet technology continues to grow. More! Cheaper! Faster!

Keep it coming, 2010.


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