Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cupcakes: No Laughing Matter

As one who is fond of both games and delicious sweets, I must recommend to you (even as it was recommended unto me by WWdN) the magnificent 100 Games Cupcake Game at the Steelhead Studios site.

You will see 100 terrifyingly* elaborate cupcakes representing games of all sorts: card, board, dice, video, arcade, roleplaying and more (how would you classify Jenga?). You can try to guess which game each cupcake represents, and quickly see whether or not you're right with a nifty little mouseover move.

Several of the games shown were completely unfamiliar to me, and many more I'd heard of but never played. I'm fond of games, but alas, it seems we don't really know each other that well.

Speaking of games, I was very pleased over a short New Year's vacation to spend a lot of time playing some. We played Settlers of Catan, Wiz War, Ticket to Ride: Europe, and Bang! 

One of those has a cupcake dedicated to it. Go find out which one.

*I am terrified by nominally edible things that impress me so much I would hesitate to eat them.


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