--which I was a while ago, I went to give blood this evening, and once they managed to find a temperature (they couldn't get a reading at first), it was only 97.2.
It's chilly out, and I keep saying I'm cold blooded. This may serve as valuable evidence for my contention that I possess reptilian features.
Also, when they tell you to make sure to hydrate well before going to donate...just do it.
I absent-mindedly forgot about the appointment until later in the day and didn't really get to drink a lot of water, and I barely managed to finish the donation. I hate to go through that whole screening and needling process and not be able to provide a viable pint of blood, so this would have been very disappointing.
As it was, I was the last donor in the place, and they were packing up the tables and equipment as I was lying there trying to think relaxing, bloody thoughts. It took three people adjusting the needle, but in the end my reluctant vein came through.
Nice work, vein!
i often forget to hydrate as well; I take lots of meds. but I still can donate in theory :-)
Yeah, most meds seem to be OK with them. But hydration, now that's key!
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