Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lunchtime Notes

I'm on lunch break at the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services pre-conference before ALA Midwinter, and so far I have learned the following things:

  1. Gee whiskers, I wish I'd had a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)-focused education! I'm sort of lurking on the edges of the science world as an English major in a medical library (I have no idea what you're talking about!--but I can find some information on it for you), and now I feel as if I've missed out.
  2. I feel a strong desire to get into the Gaming in Libraries trend (largely because I want to play games), but need to think about how to make it work for our particular audience. (I didn't actually just learn that, I've known it for a while.) Also, I think of myself as a gamer, but since I've mostly done pencil-and-paper roleplaying games, I'm not really part of the larger gaming culture in the U.S., in which video games rule. I feel as if I've missed out.
  3. These delicious clementines plus a scone I saved from the breakfast array makes a perfectly good lunch that I don't have to go outside for. Nevertheless, I feel as if I've missed out...on spending money. Not all missing out is bad.

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