Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You Should Write Something

I see LISNews is having a Librarian Essay Contest. It calls for "an original essay about issues that impact librarianship," to be submitted sometime during the month of August.

You should totally submit a piece. Even if you're not a librarian.

I'm going to be busy sweating and streaming Netflix movies, or I'd do it myself, but I bet you can come up with something really excellent.

For example, you could write about Netflix and how that impacts librarianship (do Netflix subscribers with streaming-video capability make less use of the library?).

Another thing you could write about would be sweat (how can librarians maintain a cool and professional appearance when they're dripping wet and disheveled by the time they get to the office? Seriously, I'd be interested to know this).

That's just to take two ideas chosen completely at random. If you need more, let me know.


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