Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I received word via an email list that the redesigned MedlinePlus is live today, offering its fine consumer health content with a spiffy new look.

It's abandoned its former purple color scheme in favor of crisp blue and green (English version) or blue and orange (Spanish version), with plenty of white space to give it a clean, open feel.

I was familiar with the old site (and I like purple), but I find the new one to be pretty user-friendly as well. There are tidy divisions between health conditions, drugs and supplements and 'videos and cool tools,' and a handy sorting of search results according to where the information comes from (news, encyclopedia, etc.).

A little box with a sort of tag cloud of popular searches is also a fun touch, and there are links for a mobile version, an option to get email updates, to subscribe via RSS, or to follow on Twitter (been there, done that).

There are also still touches of purple (yay!), notably in the big "more languages" button. Pointing to reliable consumer health info in various languages is one of the especially awesome things MedlinePlus does, so I approve of it being highlighted in this most excellent of colors.

Good stuff.


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