Friday, October 23, 2009

Reading Other Peoples' Mail

Maggie Mahar at Health Beat has the first of a promised series of letters from people in other countries sharing their personal impressions of their health care. This one is from Canada.

It's interesting to get a personal take on another system, to add to impressions we may have gained from other things we've read and heard. I like that Maggie Mahar interjects her own comments at some points to clarify numbers or other points, making this a nice mixture of anecdote and data.

The best of both worlds!

There's something inherently interesting to me about comparing other peoples' experiences to my own--that sort of "so that's how it works in Canada?" thing--and of course with the current debate over health care in the U.S. this is a good way to see some different approaches to the issue and think about which aspects of various systems might be nice to have, and which send us reeling out of the room clutching our stomachs in an attempt not to vomit uncontrollably.

In my case, it's the plans that force everyone to ingest high-powered emetics that do the latter. I can live without those.


1 comment:

erinserb said...

I've heard that Canadian health care is pretty good - for that measure, most of the European countries. I think they have it standardized fairly well. I had to wait to see a specialist for my back for at least a month and a half! However, when I went, I don't think they did anything more than what my primary (internist) could do - look at some x-rays and do some strength tests - I think specialist have made health care much more expensive. I wouldn't want my internist to excise my gall bladder though. :-)