Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fear Not Numbers

Apparently girls can do math. Now you tell me, after I've gone and gotten these numerically challenged degrees in English and library science.

I salute WomensHealth.gov for highlighting this study--actually a review of 242 other studies. As we tell students in our EBM-related classes all the time, reviews are good! Saves you having to read all those 242 studies yourself.

Because we may be able to do math, but we have busy lives and are often short on time.

Now, girls in school, get some practice crunching numbers. If I were 12 right now, I would be all over that.

It will serve you well once the Association of Research Libraries comes asking for statistics on your collection, you know. And you may think it couldn't happen to you, but don't be so sure. The ARL has a long reach.


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