Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Listen With Your Mouth

ScienceRoll has a post about a hearing aid currently in development that hooks onto to your back teeth and transmits sound waves through them.

It says this might work for people with conductive and mixed hearing loss, where sound isn't reaching the inner ear--the sound is picked up by a microphone near the ear, and then bounced through the teeth and bone of the skull to the cochlea.

I keep thinking of how cool I thought it was, when I was little, that you could put your head down on the table and hear a tiny tapping from the other end, even if you couldn't hear it at all without putting your ear down. Since I was wild about that, obviously I'm fascinated at the thought of using your own teeth to conduct sound into your head.

Now please excuse me while I put my head on my desk and remind myself how fun I thought sound transmission was when I was a kid.

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